Sunday morning at All Souls is a chance to enjoy our full life together in worship, teaching, fellowship, and service. While we offer a number of opportunities for these throughout the rest of the week, Sunday is our primary day to do them all together!
For those who are unable to join us in person because of work, travel, or sickness, our service can be viewed online through our weekly livestream at 10:30am.
Holy Communion | 10:30am
Heritage Christian Academy
649 Barr. Rd., Lexington, SC 29072

Our approach to worship services is rooted in the historical Anglican tradition and The Book of Common Prayer (2019). The standard service for Sunday morning is Holy Communion, a liturgy with hymns, readings from Scripture, prayers, a sermon, and the Lord’s Supper. The service usually takes approximately one hour.
We use printed bulletins as guides to our worship services. They contain everything you need to fully participate in the service, even if it’s your first time visiting an Anglican church.
Here is a sample of what our worship bulletin looks like.
Music at All Souls draws from a blend of traditional and contemporary styles. You can expect acoustic instruments and singable melodies played at a modest volume. Our bulletins contain lyrics and melodies for all hymns and service music, but it’s easy to sing along even if you are not able to read music.
To learn more about music at All Souls, visit our Music page.
The first major portion of our Sunday service is dedicated to the reading and preaching of Scripture. We follow the lectionary from The Book of Common Prayer (2019), which serves as a reading plan for the church throughout the year. You can expect to hear readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the New Testament, and the Gospels each Sunday.
Following the readings, the preacher will deliver a sermon lasting fifteen to twenty minutes.
Visit our Sermons page to listen to examples of preaching at All Souls.
Communion (or the Lord’s Supper) is a central component of our worship services, ministered every Sunday under normal circumstances. All baptized believers are welcome to receive communion regardless of age or affiliation.
To receive communion, stretch out both hands, one on top of the other, and the priest will place consecrated bread in your hands. Wine can be received by either intincting your bread in the first chalice or drinking from the second common chalice.
Children are always welcome in everything we do at All Souls. We currently offer children’s chapel every Sunday except the last Sunday in each month for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. Participating children will head to their chapel with our teachers at the Scripture readings and return at the passing of the peace. To learn more about our children’s chapel, head to our “All Souls Kids” page.
For our youngest children and those who may struggle to sit through the whole service, we also have a nursery available every Sunday. Read more in the “Nursery” tab below.
A nursery is available for our youngest children and those who may struggle to sit through the entire worship service.
Our nursery is staffed by multiple nursery attendants who have undergone background checks and training to create a safe and joyful environment for our kids.
Following the service, we invite you to stay for our Fellowship Table in the “narthex.” There, you’ll find coffee, refreshments, and good conversation. This is a great way to meet fellow parishioners and catch up from the week!
You are welcome to wear whatever clothes you feel most comfortable worshiping in. Our congregation wears everything from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts.
Priests and altar assistants will be wearing vestments, the traditional clothes worn by designated people during Anglican worship services.
A major part of our church life is groups. Some of these groups, especially those which focus on teaching, meet at 9:30am before Holy Communion on Sunday morning. These classes are offered on a seasonal basis and function as our outlet for Christian education on Sunday.
Click here to find out which groups are currently meeting on Sunday morning.