“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of God…” And he took them in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them.

Matthew 19:14, 16

At All Souls, we love kids and want them to feel at home in our community. For us, this means welcoming kids into everything we do—from Sunday worship to shared meals, weeknight gatherings, and volunteer opportunities. We do this in a way that is safe and appropriate for their ages, while also embracing the fun and exciting “holy mess” they can bring.

Some of our ministries like Children’s Chapel and nursery are designed specifically for children, and others are designed to help kids participate in the larger community.


A Special Service for our Children

Children’s chapel is our primary ministry to kids at All Souls. Before the first reading, volunteers will lead children (K through 5th grade) from the back of the sanctuary to children’s chapel. Kids will hear an age-appropriate, interactive teaching from God’s Word and learn central portions of the Anglican tradition like the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed.

Other areas of focus are learning songs, praying together, playing games, and memorizing scripture. Children will return at the passing of the peace to join the church body and their families for Communion.

Children’s chapel is offered every Sunday except the last Sunday of each month, where children get to participate with their families for the whole service. We encourage parents and guardians to prepare their children for worship with the church by answering questions their children may have about the service, praying together, and reading Bible stories to their children.


A safe and fun environment for our children.

Nursery during the Sunday Service

For the youngest members of our community, we provide a staffed nursery each week with attendants that have undergone thorough background checks and safety training to provide a safe and fun environment. Parents can drop their kids off each week before the service and pick them up afterward.

If you have any questions about our nursery, you can contact our children’s ministry director, Lucy Grace, who would be happy to help you in any way.


Sunday School

We offer Sunday school for all ages on a seasonal basis. Our children’s Sunday school class is designed to help children learn the faith in a way that’s accessible and fun for them. Along the way, they’ll learn the stories of the Bible as their own stories, not just ancient history or myths.

To learn more about Sunday school, visit our “What To Expect” page.

JAM: Jesus & A Movie

Drop the kids off at All Souls and enjoy a date night! Kids will enjoy activities, dinner, and a movie while mom and dad get a few free hours to themselves. Best of all, it’s completely free!

To find out when the next planned JAM is, view our calendar on Church Center and sign up for our newsletter using the form below.